
World Café / WXPN Radio

Adaptive re-use of historic building transformed an abandoned toilet factory to a vibrant home for public radio station operation and a 1,000 SF, double-height, three-tiered live performance venue/studio used for the daily, nationally aired show, World Café.  Spaces included three control rooms, an on-air studio, a production control room, and two smaller live rooms offering the capability of broadcasting live or recorded performances.  

The live music venue, World Cafe Live, is notorious for hosting upcoming local artists and nationally touring acts. 

Acoustic challenges included isolating exterior urban noise sources (nearby trains and traffic) and sound isolation for performance and recording activities.  The acoustics of the building allow for three acts to be playing simultaneously, one downstairs, one upstairs, and one recording in the WXPN studios, without any cross contamination of noises.  AD specified and detailed isolated room-in-room construction for acoustically-sensitive production spaces, which limits sound transfer between rooms.

World Café / WXPN Radio

Philadelphia, PA

Project Type
Adaptive Re-use



DAS Architects and Designers

The new broadcast facility and live music performance space is the result of a public-private partnership between  University of Pennsylvania affiliate of  National Public Radio and Real Entertainment, Inc.    WebPhoto1_WXPN   WebPhoto2_WXPNworldcafe

Every part of the new building was designed with music performance in mind, heeding both the artist and the listener.